Executive Master's Degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Family Business
Details of the Master's Degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Family Business program
Start: 27 September 2024
Duration: 12 months
Modality Online: Barcelona: Friday from 4 to 8.30 pm | Mexico: Friday from 9 to 1.30 pm
Campus: Online
Language: Spanish
Credits: 60

Master's Degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Family Business from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Executive Online Master's Degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Family Business from Euncet Business School
The Executive Master Online in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Family Business is perfect for those profiles that consider that a good owner is a good owner by will and has the duty to renew through innovation and entrepreneurship acting with Ownership and Creating Value.
This program focuses on the process of acquiring the necessary knowledge for succession and the Next Generation in family businesses, that is, the commitment to training to promote family entrepreneurship and the continuity of the company.
The master's degree combines the development of skills that guarantee the permanence of the Family Business, focusing on the importance of Value Creation and Management, methodologically applying the concept of Ownership developed by CEDEM, Center for Entrepreneurial Ownership and the experience of Euncet Business School in innovation and entrepreneurship.
Ownership is the exercise of leadership at the top of the organization, considered as an instance of government above management. Whether as a successor, director, owner, advisor or manager, it is essential to be aware of the importance of detecting opportunities and getting ahead of the competition by providing value in each strategic move without losing sight of the horizon that will guide the company.
Thus, the virtual master will enable you to participate in the most important decisions of growing companies, which are focused on the management of strategic opportunities and risks.
Executive Master's Degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Family Business
Master's Degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Family Business PROGRAM
Study Plan
Academic Week
Master's Final Project
Master's Degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Family Business from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Next call:
27 September 2024
Credit unit fee:
360 € / credit
21.600 €
The Executive Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Family Business of Euncet Business School and CEDEM, Center for Entrepreneurial Ownership, focuses on the areas of value creation and management, including finance, governance, strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship as well as managerial and organizational skills. The program focuses on providing owners, directors, managers or board members in leadership positions with the tools to incorporate the concept of Ownership, value creation and preservation from a more systematic and practical approach.
At Euncet Business School we offer you practical and advanced contents, connected to current events, we provide you with a critical and different way of thinking, as well as a global and international vision.
The main objectives of the online master are:
- Training as a leader capable of managing your "area of responsibility" as if you were the owner and the life of the company depended on you.
- Understanding the governance system of a family business and its dynamics around the creation of wealth and building harmony among its members.
- The development of the ability to evaluate, choose and manage opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Exercising in the design and implementation of projects that trigger value in your area of responsibility or in the company as a whole.
The program is aimed at people linked to or interested in the exercise of the Role of Owner. Thus, the program is focused on founders or leaders of family businesses, as well as successors or members of business families who want to be trained to manage the economic value of their businesses.
It can also be taken by executives who participate in the strategic decisions of their organization, professional managers of financial institutions with business decision-making power, members of Boards of Directors or Boards of Directors of Family Businesses, as well as managers and directors of delegation who want to increase the growth of their unit.
Value Creation Strategies
- Know and understand the principles, models and tools that correspond to the good exercise of Ownership and Value Management.
- Differentiate the tasks that correspond to the Owner and the Manager.
- Develop the ability to identify relevant areas of opportunity in the field of Value Creation.
- Learn how to choose strategic areas of opportunity and how to turn them into Value- Triggering Projects
- To become aware of the temporality of every business model and that the fundamental task of the owner's role is to maintain the Value Creation logic of its business formulas.
- To understand the challenge of internationalization as a strategic option.
- Corporate governance and value management
- Principles of value management
- Value creation model
- Value management method
- Internationalization
- Redesigning the business formula
Competitive Focus and Value Generation
- Understand and review the fertility of current and potential markets and uncover opportunities for concentration and segment abandonment.
- Analyse the competitive position of the business in each of its product-market combinations and seek ways for differentiation and leadership.
- Understand how to measure and evaluate the positioning of the company, its products and brands, and explore ways to strengthen the identity and power of its image.
- Market Fertilisation.
- Paths to differentiation.
- Competitive Positioning.
- Competitive Strategy.
Organisational Synergy and Value Multiplication
- Learn to share with our team a common growth project. Understand the process to create a long, medium and short term vision together with key people and to communicate that vision to the rest of the organisation, awakening in them the commitment to make it real.
- Understand how to generate a Governance Formula that ensures the management capacity required for the implementation of strategic projects and that evolves to respond to each stage of the organisation's growth.
- Analyse the design and management of the mechanisms of Assets Engineering that facilitate the control of the exercise of the role of owner by those who have the talent to do so.
- Study in depth the two main ways of multiplication: internal synergy and external synergy.
- Attachment
- Governance Formula.
- Ownership Formula.
- External Synergy.
Strategic Alignment and Value Capture
- Analyse the implications of the alignment process on the company's growth project.
- Identify ways to redirect the organisation's resources towards the value creation strategy and trigger operational performance.
- Identify and adapt the organisation's indicators and monitoring and information systems to the aspects of the Value Creation Strategy.
- Alignment of the Organisation.
- Resource Alignment.
- Information Alignment.
Shared Ownership in Family Business
- Recognise Ownership as the highest sphere of power within the organisation, and as the area where it is crucial that the owning family learns to manage it collegially.
- Realise that Value Management, the fundamental task of Ownership, can be shared at the top of the family business. Family members have to choose who are their most talented members to do it and they have to learn to manage it as a team.
- Review the structures and leadership of the governance system in the family business and detect its conditions for optimisation.
- Understand the paths underlying the institutionalisation process of family businesses.
- Introduction to Shared Ownership.
- Ownership leadership
- Succession
- Harmony and value management in shared ownership
- Governance and leadership.
- Institutionalisation of Shared Ownership.
Value Finance
- Understand the basic components of operational finance: cash flow, financial structure and operation, financial structure and operations.
- Know the financial impact of your company's decisions and value propositions.
- Facilitate the migration of the participants' culture: from operators to value managers.
- Operational finance
- Value Finance
Transformation in the digital era
- Know and understand the operation of the main exponential technologies.
- Understand the impact of exponential technologies on the competitiveness of the companies
- Reflect on the main changes and disruptions generated by the digital revolution in the different industries.
- To understand the new possibilities of competing and interacting generated by the digital transformation.
- Exponential Technologies
- Digital Transformation
Competitiveness in a world of disruption
- Understand the difference between innovating (process) and generating an innovation (outcome).
- Understand the levels and types of innovation.
- Know the characteristics that a company must have in order to adapt and even advance to the change.
- Learn to analyze the different types of changes and their potential impact on the company.
- To explore tools and methodologies for identifying trends and changes in the customer and user behavior.
- Learn to apply tools to represent the business model.
- Introduction to business innovation
- Competitive enterprise
Agile project management
- Understand the agile culture and philosophy.
- Understand predictive and adaptive methodologies to manage projects.
- Capture and implement the most appropriate method according to the type of project and context (waterfall, agile or hybrid)
- Deepen in the most relevant frameworks of adaptive (agile) methodologies: SCRUM, KANBAN and LEAN.
- Understand the difference between classic management by objectives versus the Objectives and Key Results (OKR) method.
- Know how to create and implement effective OKRs in any organization.
- Introduction to project management
- Agile (adaptive) methodologies
- OKR Methodology
Value creation through innovation
- Understand the importance and discover how to design, build and maintain a culture that fosters innovation and intrapreneurship.
- Understand the 2 major spaces in the process of innovating: the challenge/problem space and the solution space.
- Master specific tools for each of the spaces (challenge/problem and solution).
- Learn to use some of the tools through the application of Design Thinking.
- Intrapreneurial culture
- Challenge/problem space
- Solution space
Collaboration with the ecosystem
- Understand the importance of collaborating with the different actors in the ecosystem.
- Become familiar with the different actors and possible ways to collaborate with them.
- Discover why and how to collaborate with startups and other entrepreneurial initiatives.
- Explore how to incorporate Growth Hacking methodology to generate rapid growth for the company, with the least amount of time, money and effort.
- Collaboration with the ecosystem
- Go to market: Growth hacking
Class schedule
- Barcelona: Fridays from 4 to 8.30 p.m.
- México: Fridays from 9 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
Induction sessions
The objective of the induction sessions is to provide those interested in this academic program with an in-depth understanding of the major differences in scope compared to other master's degrees, as this one is 100% applicable to Family Businesses.
- April 19, 2024
- May 17, 2024
- June 14, 2024
- July 12, 2024
- 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (Mexico City time)
Methodology details
We are aware that learning is much more effective when the student interacts in the learning process, so we have integrated an effective methodology of business transformation aimed at maximizing value. All this, thanks to a teaching team with extensive experience in management positions in family businesses and in the management of the processes of generation, multiplication and capture of value.
The Executive Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Family Business of Euncet Business School is designed to be taught virtually. The participants of this master's degree will have total flexibility in their training. The didactic contents can be followed in streaming, according to the schedule marked according to the corresponding time zones.
Each participant works during the program with his/her coach, with his/her Advisory Board (four or five participants in each Board) in the following activities:
- Synchronous online sessions.
- Case studies.
- Discussion of experiential cases with entrepreneurs.
- Individual and group coaching sessions.
- Value Detonator Plays of your own company.
- Short research projects to define your own position on business issues.
- Solution of specific business challenges.
- Value Creation Project in your company.
Coaching methodology
The methodology of the Executive Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Family Business is based on a program designed to provide the student with personalized coaching throughout the academic year. From Euncet Business School and CEDEM we provide monitoring and feedback of individual and team work, which will allow its members to achieve the objectives set at the beginning of the course reaching success with their family businesses or growing businesses.
The coaching team at CEDEM, Dueñez Empresaria's center, has as a maxim to motivate to be proactive and to take action with agility. CEDEM's experts will accompany the participant during the learning process and will provide the necessary tools to find and choose the best opportunities for action in the company.
The assigned coach will give you feedback so that your contribution to the team is productive and will channel your concerns to the program coordinators.
Academic Weeks in Barcelona and Miami
Academic Year 2023-24
The Academic Weeks are a series of academic days held in person at the University of Miami in Florida and at Euncet Business School in Barcelona.
Attendees must travel to Barcelona (Spain) in order to complete their training. The aim of these activities is to promote multicultural synergies by breaking down the distance barriers that live online training can entail. It is a great opportunity to put in value what has been learned by networking between students and the teaching team and interacting with entrepreneurs during visits to their businesses:
- GLOBAL STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP. On-site academic week at the University of Miami. From March 17 to March 21, 2025.
- INNOVATION IN THE DNA OF THE FAMILY BUSINESS. Academic week at Euncet Business School. From September 15 to September 19, 2025.
Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Family Business's Final Project
- Demonstrate in a single document the application of the methodology, as well as the skills developed and knowledge acquired throughout the master's degree.
To have, at the end of the master's degree, a portfolio with all the tasks, projects and challenges applied to the company of each student.
The Executive Master's Degree in Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Family Business offered in partnership with Euncet Business School and CEDEM, Centre for Business Dueñez (Ownership), prepares participants to exercise or help to exercise the Owner Role more effectively.
In order to exercise this role, in addition to a series of knowledge, skills and attitudes, a mental posture that promotes the best and is oriented towards revamping all processes of Generation, Multiplication and Value Capture is required. The master's degree develops these fundamental skills regarding business activities.
Why study an Executive Master's Degree at Euncet?
Understanding of the role of corporate governance, its structures, leadership and the personal role to develop in the exercise of Business Dueñez (Ownership) (Owner Role).
Professional growth
Our postgraduate and master's degrees will help you develop skills and competencies to boost your professional success.
Diagnosis and evaluation of opportunities for change. Focus on the big growth-triggering plays.
Selection and implementation of Value Trigger Projects in their area of responsibility.
Lecturers with business experience
Consultants and entrepreneurs with successful careers in countless companies.
The entire program is oriented towards the practical application of learning, promoting the implementation of innovation and entrepreneurship projects.

Elisabeth Bazán
Assessor of University Masters and Online Programs