OUR STORYFind out more about Euncet

Here we tell you our story,
the story of Euncet:



Euncet Business School was founded in 1981 with a clear social vocation and the desire to train professionals and management teams, to better empower companies around us. It aimed to become a reference centre in the application of new learning methodologies.


It became a university centre attached to the Polytechnic University of Catalunya (UPC). This connection allows our students to obtain a double degree (Euncet’s own degree and the official degree of the UPC), adding prestige to our university education, in addition to accessing all the benefits of UPC services.

We began to teach the diploma in Business Sciences.




A year later, we started the Bachelor of Science and Business degree (CCEE) through evening classes to make it easier for our students to combine their studies with their professional activity.


With the implementation of the Bologna Process, we adapted our studies and replaced the Diploma in Business Sciences with the Degree in Business Administration and Management.  During subsequent academic years, we offer re-titling for those who want and need to adapt their degree studies.




The management of Euncet was transferred to the LEITAT technology centre and to management by CECOT, to consolidate our commitment to the field of innovation and knowledge transfer.


We revolutionised executive training with the implementation of a new educational concept that adapts to the training needs of companies and the aspirations of professionals: Executive Modular Education (EME). Adding together different postgraduate degrees you can obtain a master’s degree.

Executive Education



With the aim of adapting to the needs of training, in 2014 we pioneered the Degree in Marketing and Digital Communication, a first in the market for the training of specialists in online marketing.


We added to our range the Master’s Degrees which come with an international vocation.  We started with the Master’s Degree in Business Administration and, in the following year, we added the Master’s Degree in Marketing Management.




Euncet incorporated the Unió de Federacions Esportives de Catalunya (UFEC) and Eurofitness as partners so that they could contribute their experience in management and sport. In addition, we began to teach the double degree in ADE + Marketing and Digital Communication.


Our undergraduate training range of courses was extended with the Degree of Science and Technology as Applied to Sport and Fitness (CTEF); this combines sports science, technology and sports management and we opened our Barcelona campus, where this brand new degree course is taught.




The Euncet Network is born, a meeting point between organizations, entities and the university community, whose objective is to connect Euncet talent with business reality and other educational centers to enhance their personal and professional development at the highest level. In addition, Executive Modular Education (EME) is restructured, transforming it into executive training made up of five postgraduate courses: the Postgraduate in Leadership and Management Skills, the Postgraduate in Operations Management, the Postgraduate in Project Management, the Postgraduate in Commercial Management and Sales and the Postgraduate in Supply Chain Management.


We incorporate the Master in Artificial Intelligence Applied to Business to our online training.




We replace the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management (ADE), the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and Digital Communication (MKT), and the Double Degree in ADE + Marketing with the Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Innovation and Technology, the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Innovation and Technology, and the Double Degree in Business + Marketing. At the same time, the Master's Degree in Marketing Management is replaced by the Master's Degree in Marketing Technologies. Our executive training offer is reduced to four postgraduate degrees: the Postgraduate in Project Management, the Postgraduate in Innovation, the Postgraduate in Marketing Management and the Postgraduate in Management.


We open a new campus in Barcelona, Campus Barcelona 22@, where the Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Innovation and Technology, the Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Innovation and Technology and the Double Degree in Business + Marketing are taught, just like on Campus Terrassa.
