Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management in Barcelona

Details of the Master in Business Administration and Management program

Start: 16/10/2025

Duration: 8 months

Modality Semipresencial: Tuesday to Thursday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Campus: Barcelona Can Dragó

Language: Spanish, English

Credits: 60

The Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management, specialising in Strategic Management is a programme that provides an all-round conception of the company, and of how its organisation and decision-making function from the managerial perspective, through an integrated vision of all functional areas, implementing strategies and policies appropriate to each situation to successfully achieve corporate objectives.

The Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management, specialising in Strategic Management provides everything for the skills needed for knowledge of techniques, tools and attitudes to ensure the optimal performance of management, both for those professionals who have received previous training in the subject, (who may need to update and deepen their knowledge) and for those who have not yet been trained, equipping students with skills that lead to a correct handling of decision-making processes and to a successful management of an organisation.

Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management, specialising in Strategic Management from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Area of expertise:

Social and Legal Sciences





Teaching hours:

225 teaching hours



New entry Spot:



1 academic year


Spanish / English


14.400 €


The programme for the Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management from the Euncet Business School is designed for participants to acquire the necessary managerial skills and abilities to develop their professional careers in business.

In addition, this official qualification offers the possibility of undertaking extracurricular, i.e. non-compulsory internships, which will allow you to put into practice all the knowledge acquired in the programme. Thanks to the job placements of our business school, students will acquire all the professional experience they need to manage any functional area of the company.

This Master’s Degree in business and team management will help you assume new responsibilities which will allow you to consolidate your professional career and face new scenarios proactively, thanks to the skills you will acquire to manage the talent of your team.

The Master’s curriculum is based on three main axes: a general management approach, where you will get a comprehensive vision of the company through the review of all its areas; knowledge of the key points of companies, as well as the control of results; and finally, the international reach of companies in constantly changing markets.

This university qualification is focused on training future leaders in the field of management by providing them with tools and resources for strategic decision-making, financial management and human resources management, among others. The Master's Degree in Business Administration and Management will give you a global view of the market and allow you to analyse the weaknesses and strengths of your company, as well as the threats and opportunities that drive your business to success.

Distribution of Credits

The Study Plan of the Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management extends across two quarters, in a linked sequence of development that involves continuity, in the second quarter, of subjects started in the first. This is the case for finance, marketing or business strategy, whose deepening and practical applications are studied in the subjects of analytics, transformation and Project Management in the digital world.

To obtain the Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management, specialising in Strategic Management, the following subjects must be taken:

Type of subjectECTS
Master’s Thesis15

Supplementary courses

Students who enter with any of the qualifications indicated in the "Recommended Entry Profile" do not generally require to take additional training.

All other students who access the Master’s degree with a different profile, must take a supplementary course.

  • Business Management, 6 ECTS

Study Plan for the Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management



Current Socioeconomic Context (cast./eng.)


Marketing and Commercialisation in International Environments (cast./eng.)


Intellectual Capital and Talent Management (cast./eng.)


Management Skills (cast./eng.)

Strategic Management and Digital Transformation (cast./eng.)5
Finance for Decision Making and Management Control (cast./eng.)5


Analytics from the Industry and Customer Perspective (cast./eng.)5
Transforming and Competing from Operations (cast./eng.)5
Project Management in the Digital World: Landing the Strategy (cast./eng.)5
Master's Thesis (cast./eng.)15


Academic Year 2024-25

Spanish Group

English Group


Tutorials Schedule

Academic Year 2024-25

Details of Methodology of the Master's Degree in Business Administration and Management

The learning process at Euncet Business School - UPC combines a set of methodologies which allow the participant to achieve, in a practical and innovative way, the competencies of the professional profile established in the Master’s Degree and its digital context.


  • Theoretical-practical sessions: these are held in the physical classroom. The teacher devotes part of the session to the exposition of the contents of the subject and part to the response to exercises, analysis of practical cases or project development.
  • Programming of teaching activities: students benefit from  the weekly schedule of training activities which the teacher plans and provides in the subject’s teaching plan. In this way, you can manage your available personal time in the way most appropriate to your learning style, to successfully achieve the learning objectives set.
  • Online tutorials: sessions dedicated to the resolution of doubts about theoretical concepts and practical activities. They will be delivered online.
  • Learning through projects: carrying out group work, to introduce and develop tasks and projects, by solving situations or meeting challenges. 
  • Case studies: solving problem scenarios in business, so as to experience the practical application of the theoretical content of the different subjects. 
  • Participatory classes: teaching sessions are carried out with constant interaction between student and teaching staff, in order to question the concepts covered by means of analysis and open debate and supported by real case studies and simulations. 
  • Masterclass: taught by prestigious company directors and experts in the most advanced management techniques and international business development, who are specialists in Strategic Communication
  • Visits to companies: learn about the operations and organisational management of key sectors of the Catalan economy with visits to local and multinational companies.

Admission requirements for the Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management

Here you will find all the information relating to the admission requirements for the Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management

To apply for a Master’s Degree at the Euncet Business School, students must have a university degree and must present a letter of motivation that will be sent along with a photocopy of their passport or DNI, CV (Résumé) and Certificate of Qualifications.

Our Academic Committee, chaired by the Master’s Degree Director, will evaluate the profile and provide a response to the application.

For Admissions further information regarding the requirements to access the Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management.

Regulations for the TFM of the Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management

To obtain a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management from the UPC, the student must complete a Master’s Thesis (TFM).

The TFM is awarded 15 ECTS credits and consists, preferably, of the development of a business plan or an international expansion plan, although, exceptionally, an empirical research project on any of the subjects in the curriculum may be completed; this includes not only knowledge but general skills and competencies, cross-curricular and specific courses derived from the Master’s level, from among those defined by the university centre to which the school is attached, and from the subjects of which this course is composed.

The task, which can be carried out in teams of up to three students, will be tutored by a doctorate lecturer who will guide them. According to the TFM regulations, the evaluation of the same will be carried out individually

For more information:

Regulations of TFM (Master’s Thesis) for the Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Management

Academic results and satisfaction

At Euncet Business School, we always strive to meet the expectations and educational needs of our students. If you want to learn more about continuous improvement strategies, click here.


Master’s Degree Director
Master's academic coordinator
Master's academic manager



  • Managing Director, General Manager, CEO
  • Departmental Director
  • Analyst
  • Counsellor
  • Director of Strategy and Planning
  • Director de International Sales and Distribution
  • Delegation / Branch Manager
  • Project Manager

Why study for a Master’s in Business Administration and Management at Euncet?

General focus on management
The first quarter provides a comprehensive vision of the company, through learning the knowledge and techniques to be applied in the running of its most vital areas and environments.
Creation, operations and control
The second quarter provides knowledge of the key aspects of the setting up of companies, logistics, operations, and control of results.
Renowned teachers
Teachers with recognised academic and professional careers, linked to the world of business.
Euncet Expertise
40 years of experience in training professionals and managers in management, innovation and new technologies.
Access to your doctorate
A mixed-profile academic programme aimed at both application in professional practice and training for research.
Academic accreditation and international recognition
Officially recognised qualification from the Polytechnic University of Catalunya, together with qualification from Euncet Business School.

Elisabeth Bazán

Elisabeth Bazán

University Master's Degree Advisor

If you have any questions or queries, I will be happy to help you.