Euncet governing bodies
Euncet regulates its operation and organization based on the Euncet Business School Regulations, which were approved on December 19, 2022 by the Management Board, automatically repealing the previously current Rules.
For anything not foreseen by the aforementioned Regulations or in the Statutes of the Polytechnic University of Catalunya and the provisions that regulate them, the Law 30/92 of 26 November, applies; this concerns the legal status of public administrations and the common administrative procedures, as amended by the Law 4/99 of 13 January.
Reform or amendment of the Euncet Business School Regulations may be promoted by:
- The Principal of Euncet.
- By at least one third of the members of the Euncet Management Board.
El procedimiento es el siguiente:
The procedure will be the following:
Any proposal to amend or reform the procedural Regulations of the School must be accompanied by the reasoned resolution of the initiating body, and shall include the proposed amendment text.
In order to carry out any proposal to amend the Regulations, a quorum of one half plus one of the members of the Euncet Management Board is necessary; its approval by at least one half plus one of the members of the Euncet Management Board is also necessary..
Euncet Business School
As stated in the Euncet Business School Regulations, the governing, representative and advisory bodies of the School are as follows:
Collegiate bodies
- Euncet Management Board.
- Standing Committee.
- Academic Committee.
- Quality Committee.
- Research Committee.
Single-peson bodies
- The General Manager of Euncet.
- The School Director.
- The Academic Secretary.
Other deliberative or advisory bodies
- Review Panels.
- Committee on Previous Studies.
- Working Committees on Aims of Studies
- External Internship Committee
- Student Relations Committee
- International Relations and Mobility Committee
On the occasion of the entry into force of Law 51/2023, of December 2, on equal opportunities, the Royal Decree 901/2020 and the Organic Law 3/2007, for the effective equality of women and men, and responding to the need to prevent, raise awareness and, if necessary, cut with all the guarantees any form of violence and discrimination in the workplace related to sexual harassment or for reasons of sex or gender, Euncet Business School implements a harassment protocol that includes all the necessary measures in this regard.
The document sets out the procedure to be followed in the event of a situation of harassment at work, the available channels of complaint, the person of reference and the permanent committee that will adopt the resolution of the file.