Global Executive MBA in Barcelona

Program details

Start: 15/11/2024 (online)

Duration: Up to 9 months

Modality Online: At your own pace

Modality On-Site: Fridays from 4 to 8 p.m. and alternate Saturdays from 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.

Campus: Online and Terrassa

Language: Spanish, English

Credits: 60

Aware of the immersive role that the face-to-face mode plays in the learning experience, the Global Executive MBA is taught face-to-face at the Euncet Business School facilities on the Terrassa Campus.

In this way, students become the protagonists thanks to the personalization offered by face-to-face attendance. This helps to professionalize the performance of students, as it allows them to have direct contact with the teaching team, who can detect the potential and specific needs of each student and create action plans and tutoring to promote their development.

In addition, this modality encourages socialization and networking among students through participatory dynamics.

On the other hand, we understand the importance of offering professional training for those who want to learn from anywhere and at any time, without having to be in person.

Thus, the Global Executive MBA in virtual mode is structured in blocks and content so that students can reconcile working hours with virtual classes.

Master's Degree in Business Administration from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Starting Date:

On-site: 18/10/2024

Online: 15/11/2024


Up to 9 months

Deadline to finish:



Spanish | English


100 % online (Spanish | English) or on site (Spanish)


60 (184 hours)


6.000€ (Online Modality) | (Launch price: 1.500€)

9.900€ (On-Site Modality)


Euncet Business School's Global Executive MBA offers practical and advanced content connected to the business reality, providing a critical and different way of thinking, as well as a global and international vision.

The curriculum is composed of 6 subjects: strategy and business development, leadership and change management, marketing and value creation, innovation, entrepreneurship and technologies applied to business, thus offering a comprehensive and updated vision of the functional areas of companies and the factors that are transforming the way of leading.

With this master's degree, students will obtain the qualification they need to complete their professional career in business management. In addition to being able to lead any functional area of the company and acquire the necessary skills from a global and differential vision, becoming one of the most recognized profiles worldwide and demanded by organizations.


The Global Executive MBA prepares you to analyze, understand and interact in today's increasingly competitive, changing, complex and digital business environment. You will acquire a global vision of business to make decisions in the most appropriate way and adjusted to the new scenarios.

Get a 360-degree vision of the key areas of management and learn how technology can be a relevant factor in optimizing business processes.

Develop a business plan that will allow you to detect opportunities and take on new business challenges, as well as define the objectives and strategies of your business, incorporating new technologies in your management.

In addition, with the Global Executive MBA you will develop the skills and tools necessary to lead high-level teams and boost your professional career in business management, designing your own professional development plan and exchanging your professional experience with top professionals in the sector, thus expanding your network of contacts. Get to know our practical and innovative methodology and learn through the study of real business cases (Business Challenges).

Get trained and acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to manage a company efficiently with the Global Executive Master in Business Administration of Euncet Business School.

Aware of the immersive role that the face-to-face mode plays in the learning experience, the Global Executive MBA is taught face-to-face at the Euncet Business School facilities on the Terrassa Campus.

In this way, students become the protagonists thanks to the personalization offered by face-to-face attendance. This helps to professionalize the performance of students, as it allows them to have direct contact with the teaching team, who can detect the potential and specific needs of each student and create action plans and tutoring to promote their development.

In addition, this modality encourages socialization and networking among students through participatory dynamics.

On the other hand, we understand the importance of offering professional training for those who want to learn from anywhere and at any time, without having to be in person.

Thus, the Global Executive MBA in virtual mode is structured in blocks and content so that students can reconcile working hours with virtual classes.


The face-to-face mode of the Global Executive MBA at Euncet Business School allows you to study on-site in the city of Barcelona.
 The program is designed to take on challenges through group methodologies and learning by doing. The real cases and group practices will help you get the most out of this experience.

Schedule: Fridays: 4 to 8 p.m. and Saturdays (alternate): 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Plazas: 60 places
Price: 9.900 €


The virtual mode of the Euncet Business School Global Executive MBA allows you to study the program remotely to train as a business leader.
The program will facilitate the learning of all the knowledge and tools through case studies, podcasts and videos that will complement your knowledge.

Schedule: At your own pace
Plazas: At your own pace
Price: At your own pace


This master's degree is not only focused on business skills, but also trains students to promote and develop other skills necessary in the world of management to raise their skills in senior management adapting their profile to increasingly technological and dynamic scenarios.

The Global Executive Master in Business Administration is aimed at:

  • University graduates with professional experience who wish to expand their knowledge in the field of management and the cross application of technology to business processes.
  • Professionals from different areas who wish to know the key areas of management and the importance of technological tools for the optimization of processes.
  • Executives who wish to know the opportunities of new technologies in the development of business models that allow adapting to the challenges of the digital economy.
  • Professionals with managerial potential, whose objective is to boost their professional career and reach positions of greater responsibility.

Objectives and competencies

  • Understand the importance of business strategy and business models in highly changing, uncertain and complex environments.
  • Obtain an analytical view of the business environment to identify opportunities and threats that may impact the company.
  • Understand how to perform an internal analysis of the company's resources and capabilities (strengths and weaknesses) in order to define the best strategy and business models.
  • To learn how to use tools and conceptual frameworks for the analysis of the different strategic options and the selection and formulation of the most appropriate strategies and business models to ensure the sustainability and competitiveness of the company.
  • Understand the fundamental role of business models and finance in the creation, delivery and capture of value for the company.
  • Understand the importance and impact of strategic operations management on the company's competitiveness.
  • Evaluate and apply financial tools and techniques to evaluate strategic investments and make sound decisions that support business strategy.


  • Fundamentals of business strategy.
  • Strategy definition.
  • Business model design.
  • Financial analysis.

Teaching Guide Global Executive MBA On-Site

Teaching Guide Global Executive MBA Virtual

Objectives and competencies

  • Understand the importance of leadership in environments of high complexity and uncertainty, and how it influences organizational performance and success.
  • Explore different leadership styles and theories, and evaluate their applicability in situations of uncertainty and change.
  • Understand the importance of building people-centered organizations, where a culture of collaboration, empowerment and personal development is fostered, creating an environment where people can thrive and contribute fully to organizational goals.
  • To deepen in methodologies and tools to maximize team productivity and build high performance teams.
  • Know and correct the dysfunctions of our teams, identifying the key dimensions of high-performance teams.
  • Become familiar with the challenges and opportunities associated with change management in organizations, and develop effective strategies to successfully manage and lead change.
  • To foster the development of soft skills required to lead situations with a high level of uncertainty and to implement and manage change effectively.
  • Reflect on the role of the leader as a change agent, promoting motivation, commitment and adaptability in teams and throughout the organization.
  • Critically appraise current leadership and change management practices and approaches, and propose improvements and recommendations b


  • Leadership and change management skills.
  • Leadership and team management.

Teaching Guide Global Executive MBA On-Site

Teaching Guide Global Executive MBA Virtual

Objectives and competencies

  • Acquire a comprehensive understanding of disruptive technologies and their impact on traditional businesses.
  • Understand and analyze how disruptive technologies relate to each other to generate innovative use cases and their impact on different business sectors.
  • Study the digital transformation of value chains, business value proposition and product development.
  • Explore the use of artificial intelligence tools in different departments of a company to improve productivity.
  • Analyze ethical and practical considerations in the use of these tools in the business environment.
  • Obtain an overview of relevant technology trends in the business world and understand their potential impact on business.
  • Develop knowledge and skills in information security and cybersecurity to protect enterprise systems and networks.
  • Use Business Intelligence and data analysis as key tools in business decision making.
  • Learn to identify relevant data sources, integrate data from different sources and use visualization tools to create interactive reports.
  • Explore the concept of Growth Hacking and acquire skills to approach Growth Hacking projects successfully.
  • Prepare to face the challenges of the digital paradigm, apply disruptive technologies, protect information and use artificial intelligence tools in your business.


  • Digitalization of the company.
  • Technological tools applied to the company.
  • Information and security.
  • Data analytics.

Teaching Guide Global Executive MBA On-Site

Teaching Guide Global Executive MBA Virtual

Objectives and competencies

  • To become familiar with the fundamentals and key concepts of marketing in the current context.
  • To deepen the management of customer relationships and identify strategies to create value.
  • Understand the importance of implementing an effective marketing plan.
  • Know market research techniques and understand consumer behavior.
  • Determine the main steps in the design of a customer-oriented marketing strategy: segmentation, target audience, differentiation and positioning.
  • Understand the relevance of the marketing mix in the company.
  • To understand the role of commercial management and its relationship with the marketing area.
  • Develop communication, negotiation and sales management skills to achieve commercial objectives.


  • Marketing analytics and strategic marketing.
  • Marketing mix.
  • Strategic sales management.

Teaching Guide Global Executive MBA On-Site

Teaching Guide Global Executive MBA Virtual

Objectives and competencies

  • Understand the importance of innovation in the business environment and its role in differentiation and adaptation to change.
  • Deepen in the various innovation methodologies and be able to apply them effectively in problem solving and idea generation.
  • Master design thinking techniques, including empathy, problem definition and the generation of creative solutions.
  • Acquire knowledge in innovation management, including challenge identification, project portfolio management and collaboration with other external entities.
  • Learn the skills necessary for efficient product management, including requirements gathering, data analysis, prioritization and roadmapping.
  • Explore agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, and be able to apply them to innovation project management.
  • Develop leadership skills to manage change processes and promote innovation within organizations.
  • Acquire a comprehensive understanding of teamwork skills, effective communication and decision making in innovation environments.


  • Fundamentals of innovation.
  • Product Management: Instrumentation, Roadmaps and Postmortem analysis.

Teaching Guide Global Executive MBA On-Site

Teaching Guide Global Executive MBA Virtual

Objectives and competencies

  • Understand the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and the characteristics of the current entrepreneurial ecosystem, including the figure of the entrepreneur and the necessary leadership skills.
  • Explore the process of creating a startup, from idea generation to the growth phase, with emphasis on the design of business models and the development of minimum viable products (MVP).
  • Analyze the investment ecosystem and gain knowledge on tools and strategies to access funding and understand the key metrics used to evaluate the progress and success of entrepreneurial projects.
  • Learn about the platform economy and understand the role of digital platforms, their business models, the services they offer and the associated responsibilities.
  • Explore social and ethical entrepreneurship, including topics such as business ethics, corporate social responsibility and social impact measurement.
  • Develop skills to identify opportunities for entrepreneurship with a social and ethical approach, promoting the generation of a positive impact on society.
  • Encourage reflection on values and integrity in business, promoting the integration of social responsibility in the entrepreneurial business model.
  • Assess practical cases of social entrepreneurship and discuss ethical challenges in entrepreneurship, through debates and examples that promote ethical decision making in business.


  • Startup ecosystem.
  • Digital platforms and monetization.

Teaching Guide Global Executive MBA On-Site

Teaching Guide Global Executive MBA Virtual

The objectives of the Final Master's Thesis are:

  • Promote knowledge and managerial skills in strategy, finance, operations, supply chain, marketing, sales and people to make the best decisions from a cross-cutting vision that allows responding to customers and the technological transformation of the company.
  • Know the agile development of business models to innovate the company or start a business in the digital context.
  • Understand the impact of technologies in the business world and how to achieve sustainable and sustainable results.
  • Develop and improve management skills with leadership and communication tools.


  • Business case.
  • Creation of a business model.

Teaching Guide Global Executive MBA On-Site

Teaching Guide Global Executive MBA Virtual

The experiential learning process at Euncet Business School combines a set of methodologies that allow the participant to achieve in a practical and innovative way the competencies of the professional profile established in an executive program.

  • Participative classes: The teaching sessions are carried out through permanent interaction between the students and the teaching staff in order to contrast the concepts discussed through analysis and open debate with the support of real case studies and simulations aimed at decision making.
  • Case studies: Resolution of business problem cases to experience the practical application of the theoretical contents of the different subjects.
  • Project-based learning: Group work to develop and present tasks and projects, solving situations or challenges.

The Global Executive Master in Business Administration (GEMBA) is organized in such a way that students can acquire knowledge from different subjects, apply it in practice, and develop a proactive attitude and critical thinking towards them.  

The virtual program offers a flexible and progressive curriculum that allows participants to choose their learning pace. Due to this, the teaching methodologies employed are:

  • LEARNING RESOURCES. This space provides the main materials for each subject, as well as other sources of information relevant to the study. While each student sets their own study pace, a suggested timeline is provided to adequately follow the assessment established for the subject.
  • MICRO LEARNING. Audiovisual materials that introduce, complement, or expand on key concepts in a simple and practical manner.
  • LEARNING CHALLENGES | LEARNING BY DOING. Learning oriented towards solving real practical cases that encourage the practical application of theoretical content covered in different blocks of each subject. The resolution of these business scenarios is presented to verify that the objectives of the subject have been achieved.
  • FORUM. A consultation space for students to clarify any concepts that may not have been clear during individual study or work on the subject.
  • DEBATES. A discussion space promoted by the faculty to comment on current topics.
  • MASTERCLASS. Sessions delivered in streaming format by expert professionals, aimed at delving into specific topics within the business field, applying theoretical knowledge to practical situations, and promoting learning. 

The Executive Education programs are based on a competency-based evaluation model, in which the student's progress in achieving the objectives set out in the study program is assessed. It is based on reflection and analysis of real-life case studies, projects, debates, exercises, or presentations carried out individually or in groups, which contribute to business decision-making.

The evaluation system of this course aims to ensure both the understanding of the contents and the student's ability to put them into practice, valuing progress and continuous effort.

The final grade of the course is obtained by adding the value of the arithmetic mean of the grades of the learning challenges. The grade will be expressed, for each student, in the following scale, with mention of the corresponding qualitative grade:

  • 0-49: Fail
  • 50-69: Pass
  • 70-89: Good
  • 90-100: Excellence

A failed subject prevents the student from obtaining the Master's degree, therefore, the student must re-enroll in that subject.

The Global Executive Master in Business Administration is based on a competency-based assessment model, in which the student's progress in achieving the objectives set in the master's program is evaluated. It relies on validating the knowledge acquired through tests and learning challenges. 

  • Test: At the end of each unit corresponding to a course, the student will demonstrate the assimilation of the contents by completing a multiple-choice test. 
  • Learning Challenges: This involves the analysis, reflection, and resolution of real practical cases individually, contributing to business decision-making. The situations presented aim to contextualize the training activities and are based on competencies and learning outcomes to be achieved. 

The final grade for each course is obtained by adding the arithmetic mean of the scores from the tests and learning challenges. The grade will be expressed, for each student, on the following scale, with the corresponding qualitative grade mention:

  • 0-49: Fail
  • 50-69: Pass
  • 70-89: Good
  • 90-100: Excellence

Failing a course prevents the attainment of the Master's degree; therefore, the student must re-enroll in that subject. 


Director of Executive Education
Co-director of the Global Executive MBA
Co-director of the Global Executive MBA
Executive Education Manager



Euncet Business School's Global Executive MBA prepares professionals in senior management positions to address new business challenges and perform management functions efficiently and effectively. This type of program combines key aspects of business administration with a global and executive approach, thus enabling students to assume leadership roles at a global level in multinational companies and organizations.

With this program, students will develop professionally in senior business management and will obtain a global and holistic vision of the company, in addition to preparing them as managers in a versatile and changing environment, providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully lead a company.

Another of the professional opportunities offered by the Global Executive MBA is strategic consulting, an area that is increasingly in demand by organizations due to its analytical nature and the strategic vision it provides, which is vital for decision making in today's unstable environments.

All the knowledge acquired during the master's degree is also applicable in the creation and management of a company, that is, in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, thanks to the 360-degree vision it provides of the functional areas of a company, as well as the current technological scenario.

Thus, this program enhances leadership skills and provides strategic knowledge and a global mindset that converts the students into a global leader.

Why study the Global Executive MBA in Terrassa with Euncet?

In the face of dynamic and globalized scenarios, it is important to be updated and, therefore, investing in continuous training is crucial for professional growth.

The Global Executive MBA of Euncet Business School brings: 

Management overview
It provides a 360º view of the key areas of management and addresses how technology can impact business and be a relevant factor to optimize business processes.
Professional growth
Both the program and the methodology are designed for students to develop skills and competencies that boost and increase their professional success.
Leading business transformation
Designed to facilitate the knowledge, methodology and key tools for students to improve their skills and become the professionals transformative of change that companies demand.
Immersive experience and networking
The methodology of the master's degree is based on an immersive and innovative learning experience to share, discuss and develop the potential of students, thus becoming a space in which to connect with other professionals in an exclusive learning environment.
Teaching excellence
The master's degree is taught by professors of recognized academic and professional background, linked to leading companies in their sector that will transform the way students interpret, understand and solve the new business paradigms.
Cross training and practical approach
During the program, theory is combined with practical real-world applications through networking sessions , workshops and conferences.



Georgina Navarro

Executive Education Advisor

If you have any questions or queries, I will be happy to help you.