Euncet Business School presents its Executive Doctorate in Business Administration in Barcelona for students from China

Present at the presentation of the online program were personalities such as Mr. Artur Mas, president of the Generalitat between 2010 and 2016, and Mr. Santi Vila, 'conseller' of the Government of the Generalitat between 2012 and 2017

Acte de presentació de l'Executive DBA de l'Euncet Business School

Euncet Business School's Executive Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA), the online executive doctorate in business administration taught to Chinese students in collaboration with the High Net Worth Institute, kicks off, and on the occasion of the first masterclass of the training, the business school has invited around twenty Chinese students to Barcelona. The event took place this Tuesday, May 21 at the Campus Nord of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), a centre to which the business school has been attached since 1996, and was attended by personalities such as Mr. Artur Mas, president of the Generalitat of Catalonia between 2010 and 2016, or Mr. Santi Vila, conseller of the Government of the Generalitat between 2012 and 2017.

The event began in the UPC Master's Classroom with a few words from the director of Euncet Business School, Mr. Carles Josep Bonet i Revés, who addressed the foreign students in English to give them a warm welcome to the Catalan capital and thank them for for their decision to pursue these higher studies at the business school. Bonet has also took the opportunity to recognize the work of the Euncet Business School team and the interlocutors of the aforementioned Chinese institution, “crucial” agents in the development of relations between the university and the Asian country.

On behalf of the Unió de Federacions Esportives de Catalunya (UFEC), the president of the entity, Mr. Gerard Esteva, was also present at the meeting and stated that the Executive DBA is “the result of the convergence of education and international relations”, a training designed to prepare its participants to make quick and efficient decisions under pressure and in a changing environment, skills which, he defends, are respected in both the business and sports fields. Furthermore, the executive valued the “strategic alliance” that exists between Chinese and Catalan companies as a fundamental pillar to promote innovation and knowledge in an interconnected world.

In relation to these synergies, Mr. Santi Vila recalled that in 2023 more than 200,000 passengers travelled between Barcelona and China, as well as the fact that the Asian country is currently the main agent of the Port of Barcelona, ​​with an annual traffic of more than 668,000 TEUS. At the same time, Mr. Vila, who served as mayor of Figueras between 2007 and 2012, praised the transversal content of programs such as the DBA of Euncet Business School, pointing out that currently “it is a mistake to train solely with a criterion of usefulness and in a single discipline”, especially in the case of businessmen and entrepreneurs, whose vocation will often be “marked by circumstances and luck.”

Along the same lines, the 129th president of the Generalitat Artur Mas highlighted the assets of Catalonia, the main of which he has indicated are the people. He also placed emphasis on Catalonia's determined commitment to project itself abroad and its capacity to attract foreign investment, referred to bilateral relations between the autonomous community and China and spoke about leadership. In this sense, and according to his criteria, he has pointed out the main skills that leaders must master: the generation of ideas, the ability and humility to know how to listen, the ability to surround oneself with valid people, the ability to make decisions and the ability to communicate.

The countries with a better future will be those capable of generating, attracting and retaining talent,” declared President Mas, who also assured that, although the United States are currently the main power in this regard, “the future is not a gift, but a permanent conquest.”

In the field of education, Mr. Mas stated that the Catalan territory “has the most powerful university system in the south of Europe” and valued the role of public-private collaboration, which he described as “one of the great strengths” of the current Welfare State of the country, using as an example of the result of this union the training offer of recognised business schools such as Euncet Business School.

After his speech, the students were able to attend a special masterclass on entrepreneurship and innovation by Professor Enric Bayó, which served as a training complement to the contents of their Executive DBA, a 2 and a half year executive doctorate designed to address the specific needs of those professionals who aspire to reach executive leadership positions or contribute significantly to business development. The training combines theoretical knowledge with its practical application in the different management areas of a company.
