Mario Alonso Puig visits Euncet Business School in the third edition of the Management Day

The doctor and fellow in surgery at Harvard University Medical School spent a day at the Terrassa Campus with almost 80 business executives to whom he gave a workshop on stress management.

"The only way to create something new and transforming is to generate the right conditions for it to happen". This is what Dr. Mario Alonso Puig said during his visit to Euncet Business School for the third edition of the Management Day, in which he gave a workshop called "Keys to proper stress management in a world in perpetual change". The session, which took place during the morning of February 1 in the Aula Magna of the Terrassa Campus, was attended by nearly 80 professionals from the business world linked to the Euncet Network, including CEOs, general managers and human resources managers of major national and international organizations.

Change the judgmental look for a contemplative look, break our narrow paradigm or "move away from the gravitational power of the comfort zone". These are some of the tips that Alonso shared, who also provided some revealing data or "uncomfortable truths", such as the fact that 20 billion euros a year are spent in Europe to alleviate the effects of work stress or that 70% of entrepreneurs who form a company do not have an emotional attachment to it.

"Stress is the main cause of distractions, and sometimes distractions have very serious consequences," said the surgeon, pointing to inspiration, strategy, training and action as the main drivers of change on a personal and professional level. From his point of view, this process involves recognizing ourselves as a possible cause of problems and listening to others. In this sense, he appealed to the company managers in the room: "The mission of leaders (your mission) is to challenge the current paradigms and create spaces of possibility for the best of people to come out".

The doctor recognized the value of professionals to continue training even when they occupy high positions within their firms and, regarding the work of Euncet in this aspect, he said that "it is an institution with a wonderful trajectory and a wonderful team".  The director of the Admissions, Marketing and Communication Department of the school, Mercè Arnero, also presented the new educational offer of the university and its new campus in the 22@ district of Barcelona: "We have projection and a desire to grow".

At the end of the session, the academic director of Euncet Business School and economist Joaquim Valls, who is, in the words of Mario Alonso Puig himself, "the leading expert in graphology in Spain and one of the greatest internationally", gave each of the attendees the results of a confidential study in which he analyzed their handwriting. The objective was to observe evidence of anxiety or stress and to demonstrate once again the hypothesis that the economist has held for years: that there is a relationship between people's handwriting and success in their professional and personal lives.

The Euncet professor and Master in Neuropsychology has assured that, while only 5% of the calligraphic samples he analyzes throughout the year denote success in their authors, 70% of the professionals who have participated in the exercise show such characteristics on paper. "Many of you suffer from impostor syndrome, but you deserve the success you have. You come from difficult starting points, but you have it in you," said Valls.