Executive Online Master in Global Sports Management

Program details

Start: 16/10/2024

Duration: 10 months

Modality Online: 4 to 6 hours per week

Campus: Online

Language: Spanish

Credits: 60

eSports are revolutionizing the video game and sponsorship industry. These video game competitions have turned players into professionals in the eSports industry. Whether individually or in teams, players compete playing video games, moving large masses in their events, like any other sport.

The organization of these events has a milestone in The Final Master's Project. This new disruption opens the door to new jobs for those who are passionate about digital ecosystems and video games and, is the perfect setting on which to develop their careers.

eSports or electronic sports, despite having been with us for a few years, it still has a long way to grow in this niche. One of its main attractions is the engagement it achieves with the new generations, a great insight for sponsors. These professional video game competitions have the capacity to multiply the advertising conversion ratio, the conversion is stratospheric thanks to its digital potential and use of social networks.

The eSports sector is evolving and requires marketing and communication professionals capable of responding to these new needs and business models presented by the sector. For this reason, it is essential to bet on specialized training capable of providing tools and knowledge for professional development in this booming sector.

eSports are in a phase of exponential growth and in their professionalization stage the entry of properly qualified professionals for their management is crucial.

The new online master's degree in Global eSports Management from Euncet Business School offers a unique training experience for many professionals who must be specially qualified in marketing and communication, and want to expand their knowledge in the eSports industry, as well as going into this sector, learning about the processes and how the ecosystem is defined. We have professionals with extensive experience in eSports management who will share their experiences and the challenges they currently have in their companies.

The program is divided into six blocks: publishers, promoters, teams, distribution platforms, brands and audiences, all of these areas are offering today plenty of professional opportunities.

Spain has positioned itself as the third country with the highest growth in the sector. Given this insight, the Online Master in Global eSports Management arises, offering a university education to gamers and other industry stakeholders so that they are part of this new era and can work in eSports from other perspectives, taking advantage of this new opportunity for the future. 

Online Master in Global Sports Management






6.000€ (Launching price: 900€)

Go deeper into the Sports business

According to a study by the Spanish Association of Video Games (AEVI), the income of the Sports industry has already exceeded 35 million euros per year in Spain. Sports events are positioning themselves as a strategy for sponsors and collaborating companies in the video game industry due to the great economic potential offered by this new phenomenon, which brings together millions of people.

With the online master's degree in Global Sports Management you will be able to develop your professional career by learning the necessary skills to run these events, how to set up and create an Sports team, the keys to become a manager in the field of sports videogames, as well as understanding the digital communication and sports marketing strategies to be successful in the sector, the organization of Sports events, sponsorships, competitions and the relationship with the big brands...

Its projection is such that it is estimated that in less than ten years Sports will exceed, in terms of audience and final income, the American Super Bowl or the European Champions League, great references nowadays in the organization of traditional sporting events.

Investing on studies in Sports is synonymous with future projection in a market that is still in a growing, but with great potential to revolutionize the sports industry, betting on innovation and digital transformation in order to meet the needs of the new generations.


The main objectives of this online master are:

  • Train and prepare professionals to correctly meet the management needs of activities and relationships linked to the Sports sector.
  • Qualify for the management of different types of companies and institution operating in this activity.
  • Transfer the necessary knowledge to provide participants with resources, tools and skills in accordance with the industry reality.
  • Configure a versatile profile, with the ability to perfectly fulfill both specialized positions and those of management and decision-making.


In the online master's degree in Global Sports Management at Euncet Business School:

  • You will apply technologies to Sports.
  • You will learn the consumption habits and motivations of fans, users and spectators of Sports.
  • You will discover the characteristics, singularities, purposes and strategies of the operating companies in the sector and you will develop commercial action plans and league management.
  • You will learn the techniques and tools applied to marketing and communication in the world of video games and Sports.
  • You will learn how sponsorship and advertising work in the world of Sports and everything that surrounds it.
  • Discover the potential of Sports and why it is having the entry of major players, such as LaLiga Sports.

In addition, with the master's degree in Sports you will obtain the necessary tools and knowledge to start Sports projects for the design of products, services and Sports teams, as well as to know its regulatory framework, legal aspects and how to prepare, execute and control budgets in the field of the activities of these professional video game competitions.

In addition to the numerous professional leagues that currently exist, there are multiple amateur competitions that are played year after year, which is why the opportunities for eSport management multiply.


Sports and all that this new industry is capable of generating is revolutionizing sports management and sponsorship. Currently, it is positioning itself as a sector with an exponential growth with great job opportunities. For this reason, from Euncet Business School we have launched the online master's degree in Global Sports Management, together with WESCO, with which you will be able to understand the functioning of this new ecosystem and the relationships that exist between its stakeholders and its virality.

Sports depend, to a large extent, on the decisions that the creators and owners of the video game make regarding their product. To understand how the industry works, it is necessary to know who the main publishers of the most popular Sports are, how they work and what they look for when developing their Sports area.


  • Main publishers. Where they are going.
  • Publishers' strategies regarding eSports.
  • Development models: regular or non-regular.
  • Competitive vs. Fun.

They were the first to understand that watching video game competitions would generate interest and their business has multiplied in less than a decade. Promoters of Sports tournaments and live events have been the main drivers of the Sports industry. In this course we will analyze the business model of the most relevant Sports promoters and how the most important leagues in the world work.



  • Creation and management of tournaments.
  • Projects management. Own and external.
  • Legal framework.

Brands are increasingly fleeing from global advertising to impact a very specific segment of the population. Knowing and understanding the Sports audiences is the key to developing a successful strategy. Influencers and content creators are linked to Sports and their audiences.


  • Metrics. Evolution and definition of the eSports consumer
  • Trends.
  • Market analysis: Asia, USA, Europe and Latin America.
  • The role of the Spanish-speaking consumer.
  • Content creation and influencers..

The objective of this module is to know the main operators and the particularities of each one. Twitch is the main platform to consume Sports but not the only one. Understanding what the broadcasts of Sports competitions are like and their differences with traditional sports is important in order to successfully connect with the fan.


  • Platforms.
  • How are eSports broadcasts.
  • Business model. Fee vs. paid content.
  • The future of broadcasting.
  • Content creation and influencers.

In this module we will analyze success stories of brands that have become a reference thanks to Sports, to learn about the possibilities for marketing in Sports sponsorships. We will study the type of online and offline activations that are most successful in the sector.


  • Activation of sponsorship in eSports.
  • Which brands are in eSports?
  • Which brands should be in eSports?
  • How to market eSports: main eSports marketing strategies.

How does an Sports club work? What parameters must be taken into account? What expenses should be considered? What are the main means of income and where is the key to make it profitable?


  • Creation of an eSports club. Key elements.
  • Business model.
  • Sections.


We know that learning is much more effective when the student ceases to be a passive subject to be an active and interactive subject in the process of knowledge transfer, therefore, the online master's degree in Global Sports Management is based on project-based learning (PBL, Project-based learning) and in a self-consumable format, that is, the student studies according to his own organization.

The project-based methodology allows students to relate the contents of the master's degree to the reality of the world around them and, above all, to their professional future, being the protagonist of their learning.

In addition, another important aspect of this methodology is that the exams are self-correcting, as well as the proposed activities, i.e., the faculty does not intervene with the student once he/she is taking the master's degree, but offers feedback on everything he/she receives in a predetermined way, allowing the student to see the proposal corrected by the teacher.

The subjects that make up the master have been distributed in modules and for each of them has been defined a project oriented to the practice of application of the contents linked to the reality of Sports. The student will develop them by working on the different aspects seen throughout the program.

The Final Master's Project

The Final Master's Project (TFM) will be based on the projects that you will carry out
during the master's degree in each of the courses. At the end of the master's degree, you will have a portfolio of the projects developed that make up your TFM.


Director of the online master's degree in Global eSports Management.



Digital transformation and digital marketing channels are essential for the emergence of this new ecosystem. Both social networks and the proliferation of technological advances have given rise to new professional profiles to respond to these disruptions. The video game industry has seen how the consumption habits among its users have changed and how the average age is increasing more and more after the professionalization of these games with eSports and all the possibilities it offers.
With the online master's degree in Global eSports Management from Euncet Business School, you can become:

  • eSports manager for clubs, operating companies, and entities.
  • Organizer and manager of digital events and sports projects.
  • Marketing and communication specialized in sports clubs and organizations.
  • Agent representing players, streamers, and influencers.
  • Product Manager in video game design and development studios.
  • Management of the financial department of an eSport club.
  • Community manager and content creation specialized in eSports.

Why study an online Master at Euncet?

Initiative, research and creativity in the design and development of the intervention project.

Self-demand in the search, realization and elaboration of the project to respond to quality parameters that imply an improvement of the context in which the project is developed.

Responsibility and commitment that must be applied both in individual and collaborative work to carry out the challenge that the project entails.

High level of self-management both individually and as a group, as expected in a professional context.

Victor Milán

Asesor de Másteres Universitarios

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