Executives Practical Information

Recommended Entry Profile

The Executive Education programs prepare you to develop your professional career and achieve a better job position, as well as take on the challenges of the digital economy.

The Executive Education programs are aimed at active professionals, both executives and middle managers, or young professionals who seek to become leaders in the current company or who aspire to undertake their own business projects. Therefore, they wish to broaden their vision, improve their knowledge and develop their ability to do business through 100% practical training, and immediate application through real cases, thus achieving a positive, immediate and lasting impact.

Likewise, it opens up a world of networking possibilities thanks to the network of contacts that is created between the students of the program itself and the transversal activities aimed at all the students of the Executive programs.

Discover our Executive programs.

Entry Conditions

To be an Executive Education student you must have a university degree or professional experience.

All candidates who wish to access the Executive Education programs from studies carried out will include:

  • 1st cycle university graduates (graduates and technical engineers), 1st and 2nd cycle (graduates, architects and engineers) or those who have a university degree.
  • Graduates who have a university degree issued by a higher education institution in the European area that authorizes access to an executive program in the country that issued the degree.
  • Graduates from educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area without having to homologate their degrees. Euncet Business School will however verify that they accredit a level of training equivalent to official Spanish university degrees and that they authorize access to postgraduate studies in the country that issued the degree. To this end, the director of the executive programs may request the documentation he/she deems necessary to carry out said verification. Access through this route will not involve, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested person, nor its recognition for purposes other than taking the executive program.

All candidates who wish to access the Executive Education programs from work experience will be taken into consideration:

  • Professional career of at least one year.
  • Personal interview.

Admission Period

All those interested in starting an Executive Education program can apply for admission throughout the year, but depending on the program and the number of spots available, they may be admitted in the first or second semester of the academic year.

Therefore, two specific calls for admission are established:

First call: first semester

The admission period to start the executive programs in October - November of the current year starts in January and ends in October.

Second call: second semester

The admission period to start the executive programs in March - April of the current year starts in October and ends in March.

Admission Process







DNI, passport photo, CV, degree (if available)




By the Admissions Committee




Letter of Admission confirming the resolution of the Admission Process




Making the reservation corresponding to the requested program




Start of classes

In all cases, the aspects to be assessed are:

  • University degree or equivalent. In the case of a degree obtained outside the European community, it must be legalized or apostilled.
  • DNI or NIE or valid passport
  • Curriculum vitae showing professional experience
  • Personal interview to assess the candidate's profile.

Once the application has been sent, the admissions committee will assess all the information and notify the interested party of the resolution by means of the admission letter.

Contact executive@euncet.com for more information

Formalization Of Your Enrolment

Once the letter of admission to the executive program has been received and before starting the academic activity, the secretarial area will contact the interested party to proceed with the formalization of their enrolment.

If the student comes from another country, it will be an essential requirement for enrolment to provide one of the two documents:

  • Valid NIE
  • Passport with valid visa

To guarantee a spot it is essential to make the payment of the reservation and the formalization of the registration.

Access To The Euncet Campus

Once the registration has been formalized, the student will have access to the e-mail and the Euncet online campus, where they will have at their disposal throughout the course, the information related to their executive program (calendar, study programme, teaching guides, teaching staff, program regulations, and all the support resources for the development of the training).

Fee Policy

Rates include:

  • Enrolment in the executive program
  • Reading and teaching materials
  • Practical cases and simulators
  • Academic conferences and networking

To confirm your participation in the program you must pay the place reservation.

In the following document you will find the 24-25 Fees, scholarships and grants policy and Euncet aid.


Carrying out an executive program is one of the investments that enables your professional and personal development for the future. That is why we offer you a financing plan that allows you to complete your studies with peace of mind and with proper planning.Contact us, executive@euncet.com.

Bonus Executive Programs

Executive training is subsidized through the FUNDAE Training Action (Tripartite Foundation). We take care of everything!

Start And End Of The Academic Year

Course 2023-24

First quarter:

Terrassa Campus:

  • Postgraduate:
    • Home: October 2023 | Completion: March 2024 (Calendar)
  • Global Executive MBA
    • Home: October de 2023 | Completion: June 2024 (Calendar)

Second quarter:

Terrassa Campus:

  • Postgraduate:
    • Home: March de 2024 | Completion: June 2024 (Calendar)

Non-teaching Periods 2023-2024

During this period there will be no classes or exams, except for the MFP defence.

  • Christmas: 23th December 2023, to 6th January 2024
  • Easter Week: 25th March to 1st April 2024
  • Summer: 1st July to 31st August 2024

Holidays 1/9/2023 and 31/08/2024

  • September 11, 2023
  • October 12, 2023
  • November 1, 2023
  • December 7, 2023
  • December 8, 2023
  • December 25, 2023
  • December 26, 2023
  • January 1, 2024
  • January 6, 2024
  • March 28, 2024
  • April 1, 2024
  • May 1, 2024
  • June 24, 2024

Enrolment will be made before the start of the program according to the call established in the first and second semester.

Enrolment Periods

Enrolment will be made before the start of the program according to the call established in the first and second semester.

In the event that enrolment is discounted through FUNDAE, it is essential to enrol at least two weeks before the start of the executive training.


Here you will find the Regulations of the Executive Education Programs started before March 2021:

Here you will find the Regulations of the Executive Education Programs started from March 2021:

Complaints, Claims, And Appreciation Mailbox

In order to improve our services and offer a high level of academic quality, we have made available an email address for you to notify us:

  • Suggestions: to indicate a proposal for change that makes it possible for us to improve the services we provide as a university centre.
  • Complaints: to send us your claim for inadequacies or errors in the provision of our services.
  • Appreciation: to send us a token of gratitude for the attention and services received.

You can tell us about your experience and/or opinion about our facilities, how classes have gone or about the services we provide to support teaching.
Suggestions, complaints or appreciation for services external to Euncet, as well as messages with inappropriate language that discredit someone on a personal level, are excluded.

How can I do this?

To facilitate interaction, you can contact us through two communication channels:

  • Email: you can send us an email to calidad@euncet.es, putting the reason for it as the subject (suggestion, complaint or appreciation). In order to manage the notification, it is essential that you identify yourself by your first name and surname and provide us with a telephone number to contact you by this channel, if necessary.
  • Form: you can fill out the form that you find at this link.

In both cases, we will respond as soon as possible, within a maximum period of 1 business day from the time of your suggestion, complaint or appreciation.

On our website, on the page of the desired programme, you will find all the information related to the admission process, enrolment and other questions.

If you have any doubts or queries, you can contact the Director of the Executive Education programmes, Jessica Lingan. In addition, if your questions are related to the academic management of the programme, you can contact Olga Villa, Academic Manager of the Executive Education programmes.
